Get Your Book Unblocked On Amazon KDP

Types of Blocks on Amazon KDP

3 min readJun 21, 2024
Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash

Amazon has began a to block books on its platform. This trend has been particularly frustrating for beginners who find their newly published books blocked without clear reasons. In this article, we’ll delve into why Amazon is blocking books and how you can prevent and address these blocks.

Types of Blocks on Amazon KDP

There are several reasons Amazon might block a book on KDP. Understanding these can help you avoid the common pitfalls:

  1. Copyright Issues: Using material that you don’t own or have the rights to.
  2. Content Policy Violations: Violating Amazon’s content guidelines with offensive content, misleading titles, or inappropriate keywords.
  3. Quality Standards: Failing to meet Amazon’s quality standards, such as poor formatting, low-resolution images, or excessive spelling and grammatical errors.

Let’s explore each of these in more detail.

Copyright Issues

One of the most common reasons for a block is copyright infringement. If you use text, images, or other content that isn’t your original work or properly licensed, Amazon will block your book. This often happens with beginners who might copy text…




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